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简要技术规格 |
备注 |
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数控五轴滚刀铲磨床 |
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详见国际竞争性招标文件 |
投标人应具备的资格或业绩:1.如果投标人所投的货物不是投标人自己制造的,投标人应得到制造商同意其在本次投标中提供该货物的 正式授权书;(格式见招标文件第九章格式Ⅳ-9-4)。 2.国内的投标人须提供企业营业执照副本(复印件)、组织机构代码副本(复印 件)、国/地税税务登记证(复印件)或“三证合一”营业执照副本(复印件);境外的投标人须提供公司注册证书或相关注册信息(复印 件); 3.境内的投标人应当提供会计师事务所出具的2022年度财务审计报告(加盖提供报告单位公章),或开标前三个月内由其开立基本账 户的银行开具的资信证明原件或复印件;境外的投标人无法提供其开立基本账户的银行开具的资信证明的,可提供其开户银行开具的资信证明原件或复印件。 4.投标人若为中华人民共和国境外制造商的,应在中国设有常驻服务机构或委托代理机构,并能够提供及时有效(项目所在地)的售后服务;境外制造商授权代理商投标的,制造商应在中国设有常驻服务机构或委托代理机构进行售后服务;提供售后服务机构介绍和营业执照复印件(售后服务机构若为代理机构,需提供制造商出具的售后服务授权书) 5. 潜在投标人未领购招标文件不得参加投标。 6.本项目不接受联合体投标。 7.招标文件载明的投标截止时间前仍未在机电产品招投标电子交易平台(http://www.chinabidding.com)或必联网(http://www.ebnew.com/)上成功注册(并年检有效)的投标人不具备参加投标的资格。
投标截止时间(开标时间):2024-07-26 10:00
联系方式 :028-83932424
联系方式 :028-85558473
招标代理机构开户银行(人民币): 上海浦东发展银行双楠支行
账号(人民币): 73060078801100000112
CNC five axis roller shovel grinding machine
Sichuan Zhonghuiheng Engineering Project Management Consulting Co., Ltd entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding. The tender notice was released on www.chinabidding.com on 2024-07-04.
1.Bidding Conditions
Overview:CNC five axis roller shovel grinding machine
Source of Funds:Tenderer raise funds. The funds have been implemented.
Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions:The funds of this project are in place. The tender business and technical terms have been finished review.
2.Bidding Content:
Bidding No:2946-244202407046
Project Name:CNC five axis roller shovel grinding machine
Place of Implementation:Chengdu City, Sichuan Province
List of Products:
NO. |
Product Name |
Quantity |
Main Technical Data |
Remarks |
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CNC five axis roller shovel grinding machine |
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Please refer to the international competitive bidding documents for details |
3.Qualification Requirements For Bidder
Qualifications or Performance:3.1 If the goods offered by the bidder are not manufactured by the bidder themselves, the bidder shall obtain a formal authorization letter from the manufacturer to provide the goods in this bid; (Please refer to Chapter 9 Format IV-9-4 of the bidding documents for the format). 3.2 Domestic bidders must provide a copy of their enterprise business license (copy), organization code
(copy), national/local tax registration certificate (copy), or a copy of their "three in one" business license (copy); Overseas bidders must provide a company registration certificate or relevant registration information (copy); 3.3 Domestic bidders shall provide the financial audit report for the year 2022 issued by an accounting firm (stamped with the official seal of the reporting unit), or the original or photocopy of the credit certificate issued by the bank that opened the basic account within three months before the bid opening; If overseas bidders are unable to provide the credit certificate issued by the bank that opened their basic account, they can provide the original or copy of the credit certificate issued by their bank of account opening. 3.4 If the bidder is a manufacturer from outside the People's Republic of China, they should have a permanent service agency or authorized agency in China and be able to provide timely and effective after-sales service (in the location of the project); If overseas manufacturers authorize agents to bid, the manufacturer should have a permanent service agency or entrust an agency in China to provide after-sales service; Provide an introduction to the after-sales service agency and a copy of the business license (if the after-sales service agency is an agency, a manufacturer's after-sales service authorization letter must be provided) 3.5 Potential bidders are not allowed to participate in bidding without receiving the bidding documents. 3.6 This project does not accept consortium bidding. 3.7 Failure to submit bids on the electronic trading platform for mechanical and electrical product bidding before the bidding deadline specified in the bidding documents( http://www.chinabidding.com )Or must be connected to the internet( http://www.ebnew.com/ )Bidders who have successfully registered (and are valid through annual inspection) are not eligible to participate in bidding.
Joint Bids:NOT Available
Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available
4.Acquisition of Bidding Documents
Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents:2024-07-05
Ending of Selling Bidding Documents:2024-07-12
Sell bidding doc online or not:No
To Obtain:On-site Purchase
Place:No. 310, Unit 3, Building 4, Dahecangxingshangjie, Taipingyuan Zhongsi Road, Wuhou District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province
Price of Bidding Documents: ¥1000/$150
5.Bid Submission
Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time):2024-07-26 10:00
Place of Bid:No. 310, Unit 3, Building 4, Dahecangxingshangjie, Taipingyuan Zhongsi Road, Wuhou District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province
Place of Bid Opening:No. 310, Unit 3, Building 4, Dahecangxingshangjie, Taipingyuan Zhongsi Road, Wuhou District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province
6.Contact Details
Purchasers:Chengdu Tools Research Institute Co.,Ltd.
Add.:#601 East Industry Road Xindu Chengdu China
Contact:Manager Liao
Bidding Agency:Sichuan Zhonghuiheng Engineering Project Management Consulting Co., Ltd
Add.:No. 310, Unit 3, Building 4, Dahecangxingshangjie, Taipingyuan Zhongsi Road, Wuhou District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province
Tel :028-85558473
7.Remittance Approach
Bank(RMB):Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Shuangnan Branch
Account NO.(RMB):73060078801100000112
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